College Degrees

More and more employers now look for a college degree as a prerequisite to employment. Fortunately, many colleges now make it easier to get a degree, with more options and flexible class schedules to make going to class more convenience.

Traditional Colleges and Universities

When most people think of college, they think of the traditional form: brick and mortar buildings; a campus complete with library, student center, and athletic complex; and students shuffling to and from class carrying backpacks. This is certainly a popular choice for many students, especially those going to college directly after high school.

Programs of study vary widely among colleges, and finding the right one for you can be a bit of a challenge. The following websites can help get you started:

Going to a traditional college also offers living on campus, which enables students to live on their own and get a taste of the "real world."

Community College

Whether due to money or distance, a community college may be a better choice for you. Many community colleges offer excellent programs, comparable or superior to traditional schools, but for less. They can also be smaller, meaning a more individualized experience.

A downside to community colleges is that many offer only certificate programs or associate's degrees, not bachelor's degrees or higher. This means that to get a higher degree, you would need to transfer to a traditional college or take online courses to continue your education. Community colleges also don't usually offer on-campus housing.

Online Degrees

If fitting classes into your schedule poses a challenge, the best option may be an online degree. Some courses may have specific times to "meet" with your teacher and fellow students in an online chat environment, but much of the class work is done on your own time. You can work around whatever obligations you have.

The one downside with online degrees is self-motivation. If you have difficulty pushing yourself to get work done and fulfill assignments, online classes may not be the right choice. However if you're able to motivate yourself to get the assignments and requisite work completed, it may be the best option.

Some colleges exist solely online, while some brick and mortar institutions now offer online classes as well. As long as the degree is from an accredited school, either option is fine. Check out Guide to Online Schools for more help.

The Differences Between Degrees

Different professions have different requirements when it comes to level of education. Some are content with "some" college, or an associate's degree, while others require a PhD or MD. But what are the different degrees, and what do they mean? The sites below offer excellent descriptions of the different degrees and how they vary:

In addition to actual degree programs, some colleges offer certificate programs, which offer specialized instruction in a specific field or topic. They may or may not be for college credit. Certificate programs can provide basic or continuing education in a shorter amount of time, providing you with valuable knowledge and skills for employment.